SOFTWARE       for filing of all 1095-B, 1095-C, 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, 8027, 8955-SSA, 8966 FATCA Report, W-2, W-2C, W-2G, and 1042-S tax forms.
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Import 1095-B Data

This page shows the order of data used for importing data into IRS Form 1095-B software.

To start, take a look at the attached PDF showing Form 1095-B with element names. This PDF shows Form 1095-B and each field used in the form. The excel file you develop follows the form starting with Void, then Corrected, then PersonFirstNm, PersonMiddleNm and so on. The 1st column in the excel file is Void. The 2nd column is Corrected. The 3rd column has PersonFirstNm and so on. Fields can be blank. The layout is as follows:

Void (enter a 1 or YES to check) Corrected
1 PersonFirstNm
1 PersonMiddleNm
1 PersonLastNm
1 SuffixNm
3 BirthDt
4 AddressLine1Txt
4 AddressLine2Txt
5 CityNm
6 StateCd or ForeignProvinceNm (enter 2 character code)
7 CountryCd (leave blank if US)
7 ZipCd
8 PolicyOriginCd
9 SHOP identifier (not used this year; just leave blank on the excel file)
10 BusinessNameLine1Txt
10 BusinessNameLine2Txt
11 EIN
12 AddressLine1Txt
12 AddressLine2Txt
13 CityNm
14 StateCd or ForeignProvinceNm (enter 2 character code)
15 CountryCd (leave blank if US)
15 ZipCd
16 BusinessNameLine1Txt
16 BusinessNameLine2Txt
17 EIN
18 ContactPhoneNum
19 AddressLine1Txt
19 AddressLine2Txt
20 CityNm
21 StateCd or ForeignProvinceNm (enter 2 character code)
22 CountryCd (leave blank if US)
22 ZipCd

Now you start listing each covered individual and fill out boxes A-E.

a PersonFirstNm
a PersonMiddleNm
a PersonLastNm
a SuffixNm
c BirthDt
d CoveredIndividualAnnualInd (enter a 1 or 0 or leave blank; a 1 puts a check in that box)
e JanuaryInd
e FebruaryInd
e MarchInd
e AprilInd
e MayInd
e JuneInd
e JulyInd
e AugustInd
e SeptemberInd
e OctoberInd
e NovemberInd
e DecemberInd

Form 1095-B provides 6 lines for covered individuals. If you import in more than 6 covered individuals, the software continues the 7th covered individual on new 1095-B form.

The excel file you develop follows the form itself until you get to Boxes 23 through 28 where they then start stacking in the excel file.

Please send an e-mail to with any feedback, comments or questions. Call or e-mail anytime.