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DC, NJ Health Insurance Mandate for 2019

The District of Columbia and state of New Jersey requires reporting of 1094 and 1095 forms to verify health coverage information supplied by individual Income taxpayers. Employers and all other providers of Minimum Essential Coverage to New Jersey residents must send health-care coverage returns to the State for tax year 2019.

Companies are encouraged to send data pertaining only to New Jersey full-year and part-year residents. Filers must provide 2019 coverage information electronically by March 31, 2020. The due date for District of Columbia is June 30, 2020.

Out-of-State Employers of New Jersey Residents:

Out-of-State employers who employ New Jersey residents have the same filing requirements as in-State businesses. These requirements are not limited to businesses that withhold New Jersey payroll taxes. If you are an out-of-State employer, you must ensure that the state of New Jersey receives any required 1095 document for each New Jersey resident you employ. Insurers, government agencies, multiemployer plans, and all others responsible for reporting Minimum Essential Coverage to New Jersey residents also must file the required information with the State.

1099FIRE Service Bureau/NJ Upgrade

1099FIRE has established an account with New Jersey to be able to electronically transmit 1095-B and 1095-C filings on behalf of our customers.  If you are an outsource customer we can file the state filing on your behalf using your original data file.  We will generate a second file containing only the NJ residents in the format required by the state.

If you are a software customer filing on your own, the software can be upgraded to include the NJ filing module for an additional fee.  Please note, you will need to establish an account with the NJ Treasury department.

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Erich J. Ruth

Erich J. Ruth provides technical support for National Software which is the parent company for 1099FIRE. 1099FIRE develops and markets a comprehensive range of products that enables any size of business or institution to effectively manage and comply with year-end filing requirements. 1099FIRE is an employee-owned company located in Phoenix, Arizona.

If you have any questions or comments about our software, feel free to contact us at any time.

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  1. December 5th, 2023 at 15:38 | #1

    Will you efile the 1095C forms for companies in Texas?

    Thank you,
    Linda Odom

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  2. December 5th, 2023 at 17:46 | #2

    We can efile the 1095-C forms for any companies in the United States including Texas. Just
    call our main office at 480-706-6474.

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