Home > 1095 Forms > ACA: Apostrophe’s in Name/Address

ACA: Apostrophe’s in Name/Address

The April 26, 2016 IRS webinar says

The apostrophe is not allowed in AIR.

• However the escaped apostrophe (&apos) is allowed except in an
Individual’s name.
• For example, if a record has a last name data field containing an apostrophe, such
as “O’Malley”, the transmission cannot include the apostrophe or the escaped
apostrophe characters. The apostrophe must be stripped and the last name data
must be entered as “OMALLEY”. The transmission will be rejected, if the
apostrophe is used.

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Erich J. Ruth

Erich J. Ruth provides technical support for National Software which is the parent company for 1099FIRE. 1099FIRE develops and markets a comprehensive range of products that enables any size of business or institution to effectively manage and comply with year-end filing requirements. 1099FIRE is an employee-owned company located in Phoenix, Arizona.

If you have any questions or comments about our software, feel free to contact us at any time.

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